Teeth whitening has been a hugely popular procedure among patients for many years. At Corby Private Medical Centre, we offer two safe teeth whitening methods: one performed in-office with the BlancOne product using a dental lamp, and the other that can be done at home using the modern Enlighten system, which includes trays and whitening gels.

Why whiten your teeth?

👉 Boost self-confidence and self-esteem from a beautiful smile.
👉 Younger appearance.
👉 Special occasions such as weddings, job interviews, etc.
👉 Or just to reverse years of staining and tartar buildup!


B L A N C O N E ®

revolutionary in-office whitening method!

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Whitening with the BlancOne®Touch and BlancOne®Click systems using a dental lamp is an excellent way to complement dental hygiene procedures. This method features a short exposure time – the entire visit lasts 45 minutes and includes 3 exposure cycles of 8 minutes each. The results of a brighter smile are noticeable immediately. Because the BlancOne system can only be used under the supervision of a dentist, it is completely safe for your teeth.

The primary whitening compound, 16% carbamide peroxide, has been enhanced with photoactivators, allowing the session time to be significantly shortened. The combination of enhanced light action with a reduced concentration of active substance has resulted in a whitening system without “side effects” guaranteeing complete professionalism, protection, and comfort for the patient.

BlancOne® TOUCH

an intensive whitening therapy that does not cause sensitivity!
  • First, a special gel is applied to the teeth. Then, the dental lamp light is directed at them.
  • The visit includes 3 cycles of 8-minute exposure with a dental lamp in the office = the entire procedure lasts 45 minutes.
  • Improvement of tooth shade from 4 to 8 shades on the VITA scale.
  • Complete safety and comfort – no need to protect the gums.
  • The whitening effect lasts on average from 9 to 12 months*

Using BlancOne® TOUCH you can have an immediately whiter and brighter smile instead of waiting 10-15 days for the tray whitening effect.

Cost of treatment: £395.

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* The duration of the whitening effect depends on many factors:
– Non-smokers and non-drinkers of staining beverages (coffee, tea, red wine): effect lasts up to 12 weeks
– Smokers and non-drinkers of staining beverages: effect lasts up to 8 weeks
– Smokers and drinkers of staining beverages: effect lasts up to 4 weeks

BlancOne® CLICK

a whiter smile immediately after dental hygiene!

Whitening with the Click system provides an immediately visible whitening effect achievable during a short, 10-minute visit. This system is particularly recommended for patients who decide to whiten their teeth for the first time and those who fear tooth sensitivity after whitening. Although all whitening systems used at Corby Private Medical Centre, including BlancOne Touch, BlancOne Click, and Enlighten, practically do not cause sensitivity or cause it to a minimal extent, BlancOne Click minimizes sensitivity to an absolute minimum. This type of whitening can be applied immediately after the hygiene procedure to make the effect of whiter teeth even more noticeable!

  • Duration of the procedure: only 10 minutes.
  • Can be done immediately after the dental hygiene procedure.
  • Safe even in case of minor gum bleeding.
  • Can achieve an improvement of tooth shade from 3 to 5 shades on the VITA scale!
  • The effect lasts up to 12 weeks!*

Cost of treatment: £99.

* The duration of the whitening effect depends on many factors:
– Non-smokers and non-drinkers of staining beverages (coffee, tea, red wine): effect lasts up to 12 weeks
– Smokers and non-drinkers of staining beverages: effect lasts up to 8 weeks
– Smokers and drinkers of staining beverages: effect lasts up to 4 weeks

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E N L I G H T E N®

Modern at-home tray whitening

The difference between Enlighten® whitening and other systems lies in the achievable results. If the teeth whitening procedure is followed by the patient, the teeth will whiten more than with any other system.

Enlighten Evo4 is the only whitening system in the world that allows achieving a VITA B1 shade in 98% of patients, regardless of the initial shade. The Enlighten home system is considered a leader in professional teeth whitening technology. Every aspect of it has been fully optimized for predictability and ease of use. The Enlighten system has appeared in many press articles and television programs.

Why use the Enlighten teeth whitening system compared to other systems?

  • The only system in the world that easily and safely whitens teeth up to 16 shades.*
  • Convenient for patients to use.
  • Results within just 2-4 weeks from the start of treatment.
  • Minimal pain and sensitivity compared to other systems.
  • Whitening products are kept cool from production to treatment, ensuring optimal gel efficacy.
  • No need for lamps, gum protection, or dehydration whitening.
  • The whitening kit includes a desensitizing serum.
  • Personalized, high-quality whitening trays depending on the case.
  • Dentist-supervised procedure.

Cost of treatment: £649.

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Enlighten teeth whitening is completed in two visits:

Visit 1.
First, we take impressions of your teeth using a special impression material provided by Enlighten. They will be sent to the Enlighten laboratory, which will construct high-quality, tightly fitting trays for you. It will take about 2 weeks to prepare them. During this time, you will use a special toothpaste twice a day that contains a material called hydroxyapatite (HAP), which makes up 97% of enamel. HAP not only improves the whitening effect but also protects your teeth and reduces their sensitivity.

Visit 2.
At the next visit, you will receive the trays and whitening gel from the dentist. You will be given detailed instructions on how to properly use the trays and the whitening preparation, which should be placed in the trays before wearing them.
The gel should be used for 3 weeks. After 6 months, you can come back for an additional syringe of whitening preparation for maintenance.

Post-treatment care
If your teeth are sensitive, it may be advisable to use a desensitizing toothpaste, such as Colgate Pro relief or Sensodyne.
To maintain the whitening effect, we recommend considering purchasing a tube of Enlighten whitening gel from the clinic once a year and using it for a few days in existing whitening trays. This will help keep the originally achieved white color.

*Manufacturer’s guarantees. More information at: The final whitening effect varies for each patient. Some patients respond very well to teeth whitening and result in radically whiter teeth, while others may notice very little difference. The clinic cannot guarantee that spectacularly whitened teeth will be possible in your case.

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More and more people want to enjoy brighter and whiter teeth.

But does teeth whitening work and is it safe?


Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about teeth whitening:

What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening involves lightening the teeth by applying a specific type of substance (usually in gel form) to make them brighter. It will not always make the teeth dazzlingly white, but it can lighten the existing color by several shades.

Who can benefit from teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening in the UK should only be performed by a dentist or another regulated dental professional, such as a dental hygienist or dental therapist, on the dentist’s recommendation.
Some beauty salons offer teeth whitening, but it is illegal if there is no dentist present, and it can endanger oral health.
You can also buy home teeth whitening kits, but they too can carry risks.

What happens during teeth whitening?

If you want to whiten your teeth, you must first visit the dental office 2 to 3 times.
The dentist will take an impression of your teeth to make custom-fitted trays and explain how to use them with the whitening gel. Then, using the trays at home, you should regularly apply the gel for a specified period.

In-office whitening with a special dental lamp is another type of teeth whitening system offered at Corby Private Medical Centre. The whitening gel is applied to the teeth, and then light or laser is directed at them to activate the whitening. Whitening with a dental lamp usually lasts from 10 to 45 minutes, depending on expectations.

Can any dentist whiten teeth?

Any dentist can whiten teeth as long as they are registered with the General Dental Council. Registered dental therapists and hygienists can also perform teeth whitening on the dentist’s recommendation.
All dentists working at Corby Private Medical Centre have a valid and current registration with the UK General Dental Council. To find out if a particular dentist is registered, you can check the online register on the General Dental Council website.

What about home kits and beauty salons for teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening should only be done by a registered specialist, as teeth whitening by unqualified persons, such as in beauty salons, is illegal in the UK.
Home kits also carry risks. Before using a home kit, you should first consult a dentist.

What should I ask the dentist before the procedure?

Don’t be afraid to ask simple questions about the available types of whitening treatments, what results you can expect, and how long they might last.
You can also ask, for example, if there are any risks – such as increased tooth sensitivity.

Is teeth whitening permanent?

Teeth whitening is not permanent. It can last from a few months to 3 years – depending on individual patient conditions. The good news is that with Enlighten whitening, you can keep whiter teeth forever – you may only need to do a top-up whitening at home with your kit every year or two, so it is advisable to keep your gels. You can also stock up on more gels for longer if you feel the need. The whitening effect usually lasts shorter if you smoke or drink red wine, tea, or coffee, which can stain your teeth.

Does teeth whitening work on artificial teeth?

Teeth whitening only works on natural teeth. It does not whiten dentures, crowns, fillings, or veneers, which may need to be replaced if you want their color to match your new whitened teeth.

How much whiter will my teeth be?

The final whitening effect varies for each patient and also depends on the type of whitening system used. Some people respond very well to teeth whitening and result in radically whiter teeth, while others may notice very little difference.

What are the risks associated with teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is a safe, effective, non-invasive, and popular method of brightening all natural teeth. Regardless of the type of treatment, some patients may experience sensitivity during the whitening process or shortly after it, especially if they have had sensitive teeth before. Sensitivity is, however, minimized by using a special toothpaste. To perform teeth whitening, you must be at least 18 years old. You should not decide on whitening if you might be pregnant, as it is not clear if whitening products can affect the baby.

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