Dr Marek Żeliński


Dr Marek Żeliński – Profesionaliai užsiima suaugusiųjų, paauglių, vaikų, kūdikių ir naujagimių ortopedija, taip pat naudoja pažangią judėjimo organų ultragarso diagnostiką: sąnarių, raumenų, sausgyslių, raiščių, periferinių nervų.

Dr. Żelińskio ypatingų interesų sritis yra ortopedinė regeneracinė medicina – PRP – tai, be kita ko, gydymas trombocitų gausia plazma, augimo faktoriais, kolageno preparatais, kaulų čiulpų ląstelėmis ir kitomis šiuolaikinėmis regeneracijos priemonėmis.

Dr. Marek bendradarbiauja su Karolinska Institute – University Hospital Stokholme – tiriant kamieninių ląstelių žinias, naudojant Color, HD Color, Power ir Elastography Doppler programas. Jis baigia kelerių metų tobulinimosi stažuotę prižiūrimas Scientific Committee – European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology.

Jis yra gydytojas, įregistruotas General Medical Council – registracijos numeris: 6161127.

Dr. Marek Żeliński paslaugų spektras:

  • Ortopedinė regeneracinė medicina (PRP – gydymas trombocitų gausia plazma)
  • Steroidų, mikrosteroidų injekcijos, sąnarių punktavimas
  • Ortopedinės konsultacijos suaugusiems, paaugliams, vaikams, kūdikiams ir naujagimiams.
  • Judėjimo organų ultragarsiniai tyrimai — sąnariai, sausgyslės, raumenys, raiščiai, ultragarso diagnostika
  • Vaikų ir paauglių laikysenos sutrikimų diagnostika ir gydymas
  • Naujagimių ir kūdikių klubo sąnarių ultragarsinė diagnostika
  • Ortopedinės konsultacijos dėl chirurginių operacijų suaugusiems ir vaikams. Medicininių ataskaitų rengimas.
  • Kinezio teipavimas

Medicinos interesų sritys:

  1. PRP – gydymas trombocitų gausia plazma
  2. Steroidų injekcijos, blokados, punktavimas
  3. Vaikų klubo sąnarių ultragarsinė diagnostika
  4. Judėjimo organų ultragarsinė diagnostika ir ortopedinis gydymas
  5. Kinezio teipavimas











Narystė medicinos asociacijose:

  • BOA – British Orthopaedic Association – since 2019
  • ICRS – International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society – since 2018
  • SSRR – Swiss Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology – international fellow – since 2017
  • ESTROT – European Society of Tissue Regeneration in Orthopaedics and Traumatology – since 2017
  • ESSKA – European Society of Sport Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy – section ESMA – European Sports Medicine Associates – since 2017
  • British Medical Association since – 2016
  • Royal Society of Medicine – since 2014
  • International Society of Peripheral Neurophysiological Imaging – since 2012
  • BMUS – British Medical Ultrasound Society – since 2012
  • S.I.M.S – French Society for Musculoskeletal Diagnostic Imaging – since 2009
  • ESSR – European Musculoskeletal Radiology Society – since 2009

Kursai, kongresai, konferencijos:

  1. Fortius International Sport Injury Conference – 6th – 7th November 2019 – Park Plaza Riverbank , London  – 12 CPD points of Royal College of Surgeons , Royal College of Radiologist and Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine.
  2. International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society Focus Symposium – Dr Elizaveta Kon, Dr Maurilio Marcacci, Dr Alberto Gobbi – ICRS President. 13th – 14th of December 2018 – Humanitas Medical University – Milan, Italy 12 CME points.
  3. European Society of Sport Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy – 18th ESSKA CONGRESS, Glasgow, United Kingdom 09 – 12 May 2018, 19 CME points.
  4. 3rd ESTROT CONGRESS – Professor Peter Giannoudis M.D, FACS, FRCS- 10 – 12 July 2017, School of Medicine – University of Leeds, United Kingdom – 18 CME points.
  5. 12 December 2016 – French Society of Musculoskeletal Diagnostic Imaging – Specialistic course – „The newest concepts in ultrasonography of Musculoskeletal System „Ultrasound guided PRP injections” Professor Phillipe Grenier, Dr Jean Louis Brasseur, PARIS, France – 8 CPD points.
  6. 07-09 December 2016 – The 48th Annual Scientific Meeting of British Medical Ultrasound Society – Musculoskeletal Panel, Special lecturer prof. Carlo Martinolli. YORK Rececourse, United Kingdom – 7 CPD points.
  7. ESSR – Sport Imaging Course, Prof. Hauck, Prof. Carlo Martinolli, Prof. Roland Becker, Prof. Marco Zanetti, 16-17 October 2015, Munich, Germany – 19 CME points.
  8. Eurospine – SRS Joint 2015 Spring Meeting, 2 Eurospine Spring Specialty Meeting – Dr Ahmet Alanay, Dr Haluk, Berk, Dr Marinus de Kleuver, Dr Ferran Pellise, 23-25 April 2015, Barcelona, Spain, 14 CME points.
  9. EUSSER – European Society of Shoulder and Elbow Rehabilitation – International Shoulder and Elbow Symposium – Managing Stability & Function In the Shoulder & Elbow – Anju Jaggi SRP MCSP, Jo Gibson, MCSP MSc, 18 October 2014, London, United Kingdom – 4CPD points.
  10. Course of Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment [PRP] – Dr Daniel Sister MD, 28 April 2014, London, United Kingdom – 8 CPD points.
  11. Advanced Course – „Ultrasonography of Upper Extremity” SIMS – Societe d’Imagerie Musculo-Squeletique, Prof. Alain Blum, Dr Amoretti, Dr Fonti, 21-22 March 2014, Nice France – 12 CME points.
  12. Basic Course – „Ultrasonography of Veins” – Royal Society of Medicine, 12 November 2013 London, United Kingdom – 7 CPD – RSR – points.
  13. Advanced Course – „New concepts and new treatment protocols newborns hip joints” – Prof. Reinhard Graf – The Future Inn, 23-24 June 2013, Cardiff, United Kingdom – 12 DPD points.
  14. S.P.N.I – International Society of Peripheral Neurophysiological Imaging, 1st International Conference and Course on Neuromuscular Ultrasound – Prof. Carlo Martinolli, Medical University in Genoa, 24-26 May 2012, Rome, Italy – 18 CME points.
  15. Advanced course „Ultrasound examination and treatment of the newborn hip-joints” – Prof. Reinhard Graf, Dorset County Hospital – Dorchester, 16-17 June 2011, United Kingdom – 19 CPD points.
  16. International Course Arthroscopy and Endoprosthetics of the Upper Limb – 11-13 March 2011, Poznan, Poland – 18 CME points.
  17. 17th Congress of European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology – Prof. Anne Cotten – Congress President – ESSR 2010, 17-19 June 2010, Lille, France – 18 CME points.
  18. Course in Ultrasound Examination of Musculoskeletal System, Advanced Techniques, Fusion Techniques – Prof. Andrea Klauser, 16-17 June 2010, Lille, France – 7 CME points.
  19. ESOR GALEN Advanced Course – Musculoskeletal Cross Sectional Imaging – Prof Dr. Nicolas Gourtsoyiannis, 4-5 September 2009, Cracow, Poland – 12 CME points.
  20. Course in Infant Hip Ultrasound – Prof Reinhard Graf, 19-21 June 2009, Dorset County Hospital, Dorchester, United Kingdom – 7 CPD points.
  21. Shoulder Ultrasound Course – prof. Lennard Funk, 26-27 February 2009, University of Salford, Wrightington Hospital Teaching Centre, United Kingdom – 8 CPD points.
  22. European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy – 13th ESSKA Congress, Prof. J. Espregueira-Mendes, 21-24 May 2008, Porto, Portugal – 19 CME points.
  23. Gibaud – International Congress – Injury of the Wrist – 2-4 December 2006, Ustron, Poland – 17 CME points.
  24. CETIR GROUP MEDIC – Improvement of management and diagnostic skills in orthopaedics – Dr. Luis del Rio Barquero – PhD, Cetir Group Medical Director, October 2006 Barcelona, Spain [ da Vinci Programme ].
  25. 2nd International Congress of Polish Society of Sports Traumatology – Soft Tissue Injuries in Sport – Dr Grzegorz Adamczyk, Dr Robert Śmigielski, 6-8 October 2005, Olympic Centre in Warsaw, Poland 18 CME points.
  26. Polish Society of Sports Traumatology and German Society of Sports Traumatology – Anterior cruciate ligament, issues and controversies in diagnostic and treatment – Dr Grzegorz Adamczyk and Priv. Doz. Dr Martin Engelhardt, 26 February 2005, Wroclaw, Poland – 7 CME points.
  27. 1st Scientific Congress of Polish Society of Sports Traumatology – 23-25 October 2003, Warsaw, Poland – 18 CME points.
  28. 1st International Symposium of Polish Society of Sports Traumatology – „Pediatric orthopaedics knee injuries” 3-4 September 2004, Warsaw, Poland – 11 CME points.
  29. Polish Foundation of Osteoporosis – „7th Course in Understanding Diagnostic and Treatment of Osteoporosis” 10-12 June 1998 Bialystok, Poland.
  30. YAG Laser Training Course – „Percutaneous Lumbar Laser Diskectomy” – Prof Dr. Med. Peter W. Asher 17-18 February 1999, Graz, Austria


Narystė mokslo draugijose:

1. ISSCR – International Society for Stem Cell Research – since 2020 Membership ID – 67853 , Skokie , Illinois , USA 60077
2. AARM – American Academy of Regenerative Medicine – from 2021, Membership ID – 3392, Denver, Colorado, USA


Kursai, kongresai, konferencijos:

1/.ICRS Focus Symposium  Ortho Biologics: From Laboratory to the Clinics – Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, Bologna, Italy
6-7 October 2022 , 0 CPD points,     Brunella Grigolo , Stefano Zaffagnini – Symposium Chairs.
2/London Shoulder Meeting 20th  – 21th of May  2022  –  9.5 CPD points – ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH UK.
3/.ESSR Sports Imaging Course – May 13th & 14th 2022 at Balgrist University Hospital Zurich  – 13 CME SSSR/ ESSSR
4/.Global Regenerative Academy – Virtual Global Regenerative Congress, 19-21 November 2021 Dubai, UAE – 18 CPD points
Umów wizytę: 07780 872526